The Art of Bootist Leadership™: A Special Two Day Retreat – July 24th & 25th, St. Charles, IL

retreatThe Dare To Engage® Team and I will be hosting a Bootist Retreat in St. Charles, Il on July 24th and 25th where I’ll share the Art of Bootism and help you integrate it into your own life and leadership (if you so choose)! This retreat will help you identify and create your own Bootist Path, improve your leadership, and begin to design the life, relationships, businesses, cultures and results you want.

Bootism™ is the art of leading and living in a way that is congruent for you while setting yourself up for success to do it. “Boots on” gives leadership that extra kick.  Bootist Leadership™ fosters positive impact and results. It’s a choice. It’s not for everyone. But for those who choose it, it’s the secret sauce for making sustainable impact in their business and peace in their life.

Everyone’s form of “Bootism” is their own. It’s fun. It’s for the creative and out of the box thinker. It’s for the leader who cares about better bottom line business results, cares about the people and values having a great company with a great culture to work in. If this is you, read on for details…

BTW, this is NOT your traditional leadership workshop or event and I am offering special early bird pricing if you register by July 2nd so we can get the roster set and the retreat accommodations personalized and secured.

Download Program Information & Registration Form Here