The IEP Method®

The IEP Method®

Helping Organizations and Leaders Create Intentional Impact
and Increase Performance Since 2002

THE IEP Method transforms workplace culture and impacts entire organizations,

and it starts with each one of us.


Get clear on the outcomes and experience you want to create and the energy you want to show up with every day.


Create energetic awareness, authority, and sustainable self-care habits to set yourself up for success.


Develop effective, authentic presence as a leader for yourself and for others to create intentional impact.

When we practice and inspire accountability for how we show up individually,

it creates sustainable and collective culture change.

Why Organizations Choose the IEP Method

Personalized Development

Create a future-forward leadership culture that sets the stage for sustainable success, while transforming the energy of your workforce.

Accessible, Applicable,

People can learn, apply, and shift their energy and, therefore, personal and professional results in real situations, in real-time.

The Force Multiplier and Missing Link

IEP is the missing link that makes other training investments and initiatives begin to produce even more useful results.

Immediate Positive Changes

An accessible and efficient framework that directly improves energy, presence, and skills on day one, for anyone, at any level.

Learn more about The IEP Method® and the power

of your Intentional Energetic Presence®

How Healthy Is The Lifeforce Of Your Workforce?


We’ve discovered that when 40% of your leaders consistently show up as their best selves and embody positive and authentic Intentional Energetic Presence® (IEP), culture transformation becomes not only inevitable but also sustainable. (And even enjoyable.)

The Impact of Your Intentional Energetic Presence®

Your IEP, For You.

Do you have aspirations to be a better leader, have more (positive) impact, be generous to others, AND feel good at the end of the day?

When you begin your journey with the IEP Method®, you may be experiencing any combination of these five common challenges:

  1. You’re not creating the impact and results you want, and you may feel uncertain about why.
  2. You’re overwhelmed, experiencing burnout, and your performance is declining.
  3. You’re experiencing tension, noise, busy-ness, competing and unresolved priorities, and unproductive dynamics on your leadership team.
  4. You’re thinking about separating a marriage, relationship, partnership, etc.
  5. You’re thinking about quitting your job and leaving the company altogether.

When individuals embark on their journey to more awareness of IEP, they’ll quickly learn tools, gain new perspectives, embrace accountability, and take ownership of how they show up with others.

Most often, instead of resigning or succumbing to difficulties, people adopt a different approach, proactively manage stress, and transform their relationships with themselves and those around them.

Ultimately, with the IEP Method, our clients evolve into the leaders they aspire to be, while experiencing a sense of presence and fulfillment at the end of each day.

The Impact of Your Leaders’ Intentional Energetic Presence®

Your IEP, For We.

You’ve likely heard the adage, “People leave their managers, not their companies.” The influence of your leaders extends far beyond individual teams, impacting your entire organization significantly. Research indicates that 69% of employees report their leader has as much impact on their mental health as their partner or therapist.

Take this a step further and consider the broader impact on your organization’s culture, performance, and bottom line when leaders approach their roles without intentionality and lacking presence. Envision how your company could be impacted (and may already be impacted) by chaotic, frenetic, churning, and unproductive energy. The resulting impact can be both costly and contagious. (We’re happy to provide case studies and data relevant to your organization/industry in our exploration process.)

However, when management and executives practice and model the principles of the IEP methodology, it creates a ripple effect of positive leadership presence throughout the organization.

Strong leadership presence not only empowers and motivates others to show up collaboratively — it also creates an environment and space for connection, innovation, healthy risk-taking, and performance.

Leaders who show up with intentionality and presence inspire others to follow them because they want to (genuine fellowship) versus have to (reluctant compliance).

Drawing from over two decades of experience, we’ve found that when 40% of your leaders experience transformation at their core, cultural change becomes not just possible but sustainable. (And here’s the good news: it only takes one person to kickstart this journey. Could that be you?)


Reduced Time and Cost of Training

Organizations that begin with IEP Fundamentals see as much as a 75% reduction in time expended in other training programs.

Reduced Time and
Energy in Meetings

Time in meetings can be reduced by up to 7 hrs per week. For a team of 8, that is 56 hours gained for more impactful leadership, improved productivity, with less drama and less misery.

Increase in Financial

Clients repeatedly share the financial impact of doing this work in their organizations, including improved close rates, employee and customer retention, workforce productivity, reduced lost time, and increased innovation.

Increase in Training Impact and ROI

As reported by nearly every one of our clients over 20+ years, the IEP work amplified the effectiveness and the ROI of their other training initiatives. 

Shifts in Ownership and Performance

Once individuals experience IEP, they adjust behavior, perspectives, and are more accountable to themselves and their teams.

Shifts in Mental Health that Fuel Innovation

Employees improve their self-awareness, resilience, empathy, and connection and communicate better, resulting in unlocked performance and innovation.

The Three Components of The IEP Impact Model

Create Intentional Impact With The 5-Step Framework

Build A Strong Energetic Foundation

Reboot and Remodel Your Presence

The Three Stages of Mastering Intentional Energetic Presence®

Explore It.

Experience It.

Embody It.

CULTURE is the energy of the container we create
for ourselves and others – to do our best work, be our best self, feel awake and on purpose, and show up well, or not.

– Anese Cavanaugh
   CEO & Founder, Active Choices, Inc.

What Organizations Say About The IEP Method

Before working with Active Choices, Inc. and learning the IEP Methodology, our global leadership team was experiencing dysfunction, including a lack of trust and poor communications. We really needed to be nimble, creative, and collaborative to innovate for the company — but this seemed impossible with the constant workforce turnover, exhaustion, and defensiveness that people were often feeling.

After our work with Anese and her team, one of the biggest impacts we’ve noticed is that we better understand each other’s intentions, have developed our ability to be empathetic and support each other, and are better able to manage our own energy and presence.

Ken Musgrave

Global Director of D-Ford | Human-Centered User Experience, Ford Motor Company

Anese is a remarkable ‘force multiplier’ for business, and made a profound impact with our team using the IEP Method®. She has deep insight into herself and others, and brings that unique skill to bear in helping people unlock parts of themselves which may be holding themselves or the business back. I can say without a doubt that Anese was, and continues to be, a game changer for our business. She is one of the most credible, insightful, and transparent people I know, and her professional presence has truly elevated the art of the possible, enabling us to move into previously unimagined levels of high performance.

Chris Burt

Chief Human Resource Officer, Financial Services Publicly Traded Company

The IEP work has helped us maximize our investments in other training we’ve done in the organization. It’s proven to be the missing ingredient to the other training initiatives we’ve rolled out. Before IEP, we had people doing the training they received: they’d learn it, go back to work, ‘do it’ — but not fully embody or own it. After IEP we had people BEING the work, showing up better, and being more intentional about their impact and the way they practiced new leadership behavior and skills. There has been a new level of accountability for people owning their part in the environment we’re creating together. I was not sure how well the ideas like intentions, energy, and presence would do in our organization, however, this work has been the ‘intangible thing’ that’s making our people and our culture better. You can feel the difference!

Organizational Executive

Chief Human Resource Officer, Fortune 500 Organization

Yes, We Have The Science, Too.

Beyond the data and studies, we also have the science
behind why emotions, energy, and bad moods are
contagious in organizations, and how it impacts your