Shifting, optimizing & changing culture…it doesn’t have to be hard

boot-leaves[tweet_quote hashtags=”@IEPMethod” ]It’s not as hard as we make up…
It can even be exciting…

What am I talking about?

  • “Cultural change.”
  • “Optimization.”
  • “A complete overhaul.”
  • “Little tweaks.”
  • “Fine tuning.”

You choose. Wherever you’re at in creating the leadership and culture you want – for your organization, team, family, client relationships, or even your circle of friends… It doesn’t have to be hard.

“Cultural change”… Sound daunting? Looked at from a meta-perspective… Yes, maybe.

But looked at with intention and presence to what’s happening right now? Maybe not so much.

It takes you. Intention. Energy. Presence. Leadership. And an intentional fine first step forward.

Honestly, it’s the only way to do it if you REALLY want to create sustainable and honest change.

Try it on.

Try this on today as you move through your day, through your meetings, and through your organization.

Get curious, notice, and consider…

  • What kind of a culture does your organization have?
  • How are YOU contributing to that culture?
  • What kind of a culture do you want?
  • How are you contributing to creating it?
  • What’s awesome? What’s missing?

Okay, wait. Before we go on… The number one rule here?

Whatever you find… don’t blame, don’t judge, don’t gloat, don’t take your marbles and go home, don’t point at everyone else and say “SEE!!” Just take it as information, pat yourself on the back for noticing it with neutrality and curiosity, and consider what the littlest thing YOU can do to shift it, or contribute to it might be.

Most people don’t take the time to do this piece, so seriously, if you do it, you’re a step – or 10 – ahead of the game. Nice work.

How do you know what your culture is actually like, and how solid the quality of your leadership is?

Here are a few places to look…

  1. How your team talks to each other.
  2. The energy of the organization and in team meetings.
  3. How effectively you meet and work together.
  4. Your general feeling when you walk in the door.
  5. How people feel about feedback.
  6. How honest – and direct – people are with each other.
  7. How inspired people feel to truly bring their best thinking and creativity to the table.
  8. How valued people feel by you. (And you by them.)
  9. How connected people feel to the vision and bottom line of the company. (This equation is insanely interrelated.)
  10. How people talk about work when they go home. (And how well they sleep – really.)
  11. What your clients see when they work with you. (Your culture and unspoken agreements are obvious to them.)
  12. What you know, intuitively, is true about your culture and leadership.

In these questions are nuggets and chunks of cultural gold. (Actually cultural platinum.)

People often think that changing culture is hard. It can be. Yes. Absolutely.

Whether it’s the culture of your organization, your family, or even your circle of friends.

But it doesn’t have to be hard. And it can actually be delicious. Rich. Inspiring. And maybe, just maybe, even a little bit easy.

Secret sauce? It starts with you. It starts with your intention. Your energy. And your presence to what’s real, what you want to be so, and your presence in creating it.

And then it takes solid collaborative leadership to create it together. There is a “formula” for culture change.

Take a look at the queries above. Dive in. If you’re working with me privately, these will be familiar, and we can dive into these even deeper (in fact I’m working on a surprise for you.)

And if you’re not working with me, AND you want to go a bit deeper on this stuff and learn more about that “secret sauce”, I encourage you to join me in Sacramento May 6 & 7 for the  IEP Live Personal Leadership Summit.


[tweet_quote]IEP = Intentional Energetic Presence and it is at the root of cultural change and powerful present leadership.[/tweet_quote] There’s a system to it and I’ll be teaching the IEP Method at the Summit.
You can learn more and register right here if this feels right for you. (You’ll want to do both days to get the cultural piece. You CAN do the first day alone just for your own personal leadership and IEP, but you have to do day one in order to do day two where we’ll be diving deep into culture.)

Either way, enjoy your culture and leadership play.

With Delight,




“I’ve attended other meetings, I’ve attended other workshops where you are really just sitting in the audience and you are being talked at. This was not that. Anese brings with her this interactive wealth of experience and knowledge and also her enthusiasm and passion and that just translates out into the audience. And part of what is really spectacular about this particular program, is the people that it attracts are just a higher caliber. The people who I met today, many of them are people who I will now have business relationships and that’s exciting in and of itself.”

“…When we’re clear in our vision and intentional with our energy, we’re so much more effective in our work in this world. Come to this event, you’ll walk away inspired, grounded, and having had a lot of fun (not to mention the great people you’ll meet – we’re creating business relationships already.)”

  “I’ve been to many ‘leadership’ workshops and none have been as authentic or honest as this one. So many of them are hypy and inspirational, but really just surface stuff – stuff that doesn’t stick. Anese truly gets to the real stuff and allows for authenticity in the bad and the good. I had no idea that I’d walk out of here today with a whole new relationship with leading and creating my life and impact in a way that is true to me. I also didn’t realize how me being me is just fine and what’s more, essential. Thank you.”  

“You have an excellent way of making people feel comfortable, I was shocked at your strength to shift the energy in the room at will… To think I can apply that to my own team and organization inspires me.”

“This work woke me up to seeing what I can bring back to our team to increase comfort and productivity. IEP is essential to our building a strong culture and foundation as a team.” 

“I loved this course. Very empowering. It made think a lot about being intentional about what I want in my life and how I can be the implementer of what I want to see in my life and actually lead it. I walked away with greater clarity about how I want to show up, setting my own intentions, and the ability be at choice about the things I actually WANT in my space. As an entrepreneur, this is extremely valuable to my business and in my volunteer work.”

“I would definitely recommend this course. It made me really get that I have a physical and literal choice about how I want to feel and how I approach any situation by how I show up. You also showed me how to shift the energy in a moment with a room full of people. I had no idea how much impact I could have on this. I learned I have more choices about how I feel, what I want to do, how I want to act and how I can project myself to others so we can be more productive and effective in meetings.”
“How I am going to show up in the world will be shifted because of this last few hours of time we were able to spend together.”

What might the impact of this work be for you? Join us in Sacramento.

 Here’s that link again.