Making School Lunches as a Leadership Act and a Lifestyle Behavior

Tonight I made sack lunches for my kids for school tomorrow. I do it every night. Two lunches, with two sets of snacks, two water bottles, the works. I could by them hot lunches. I used to. But then we switched schools and I decided to try out making lunches. I actually find it to be a lot of work. But I wouldn’t give it up, despite the convenience of doing the “hot lunch” thing. I find satisfaction in knowing what my kids are eating everyday. I like knowing what nutrients they’re getting. I like going the extra mile. And I like the image of them opening their lunches and knowing that I put care into them…every day. Tonight as I was making lunches I realized that this is going to go on for a long time. It’s a behavior change, a lifestyle behavior change, that will need to be sustained. There’s no quick fix. It’s not going to end tomorrow. I won’t be done. I’ll be making my kids’ lunches for at least the next 12 years, and then after that, it’ll be care packages. And for this I’m grateful.

What struck me about this was where else I have this “it’s temporary” mentality. And where else it’s all about lifestyle choices and behaviors. Let me count the ways: exercise, nutrition, writing, business development, leadership and trying to do the right thing, taking care of my teeth,