17 “acts” for authentic living, sustainable leadership, and simply “getting out of your own way” – check back often as I’ll be posting more every couple of days!
Happy New Year everyone! Last year I offered a set of questions to help you reflect on the past year, and step into the new year (you can find that post here after you’ve read this post. ;-)) This year I’d like to offer something a bit different. In honor of 2011, I thought I’d share some of the greatest lessons learned and witnessed in 2010. They’re off the cuff, written in free form, and in no particular order of importance. Try them on as food for thought, if they resonate, enjoy! If not, ditch! And as always, feel free to share your learnings as well below! (Some of my favorites from future tips? Assume good, validate from within, lead your energy, change your story, be you, fill your tank, own your stuff, and get back up…)
- Unfold your answers, they’re inside you. The answers are not “out there” in the mouths, words, or opinions of others, they are “in here.” It’s up to each of us to listen to that internal voice. When we ignore our internal voice, we give our power away.
- Validate from within. If you don’t love you/like you/believe in you – looking for all of that externally will be a temporary fix, it’s not sustainable. Find a way, if even the smallest way, to start validating from within.
So there you go…this is an incomplete list obviously, and shared just as food for thought. Remember, as always, these are just musings on my part. Not the law. Not advice. Not a to-do list. Not coaching or professional advice, not therapy, not financial advice, etc.….simple musings that I share that I’ve found to be pretty important this year personally, and in this work with folks. Use them as they resonate for you…after all, you are your own best guru. ;-)) Happy New Year!
NOTE: If you’d like the paper with a comprehensive list of all the musings that we’ve made complimentary for our private DTE community, please email us at Info@DareToEngage.com and we’ll get you set up. Thanks!