This is a continuation of the on-going list of 17 “acts” for authentic living, sustainable leadership, and simply “getting out of your own way” that started on January 14th, click here to read that post.
3. Fill your toolbox. Learn. Engage your mind. Learn tools to turn complains into requests, to turn negative energy into good, to mend broken relationships, to unearth assumptions and intentions, to grow, to get better, to make an even bigger and more positive impact, to ask for help, to get where you want to go…fill your toolbox.
4. Fill your tank. This one I learned big time this year in an even bigger way. Life happens and personal sustainability is key if you’re going to lead, let alone just live. Fill your tank with food, activities, relationships, environment, space, things, etc. that lift your spirit, make you feel good, and replenish your reserves. Our reserves drop…it’s part of our job as [leaders, parents, partners, spouses, teachers, human beings – you name it] to fill our tanks. It’s not only important for us personally, but for the people we love and the companies we lead.
NOTE: If you’d like the paper with a comprehensive list of all the musings that we’ve madecomplimentary for our private DTE community, please email us at and we’ll get you set up. Thanks!