Some of the work I do with clients is hard to “put in a box”/get a handle on/make it really tangible. Afterall, when I work with people, everyone’s different, and it’s not like I can say “here is this gadget I’m going to sell you.” Or “here’s exactly what you’ll have when we’re done with our work.” It’s actually quite the opposite; the client determines the “gadget” and what we have at the end – by getting really clear and then achieving his/her specific outcomes they wish to make in our work together. No one is the same. It’s not an exact science. Just about 100% of the time they get more than they bargained for and find things they didn’t even know they could work on, and that add tremendous value to their lives and leadership. The whole point of the work is to help them become even more effective at being THEM. Finding their truth. Following their path. Increasing their influence (both externally and internally – important!) And leading in a way that is congruent for them. You can’t put that in a box.
Here are 4 things to look at when it comes to creating your outcomes – and the types of things I’ll explore with clients. I invite you to ditch the “box” or trying to figure it out exactly, and just to apply these 4 things to your being, starting now. These, by the way, are some of the core elements of my approach to living and leadership that I’ve come to call “Bootism.”
- Pay exquisite attention to your energy, and make it work for you. Consider your physical energy, the way you manage your energy, and the way you lead it – what’s the vibe you’re putting out there? Is it positive and compelling? Or are you bringing the house down, and not in a rock star kind of way?
- Nurture your relationships. They’re priceless and truly what make the world go round. Give your 12 hugs, get (and share) your cupcakes, and make connecting and caring a priority. Acknowledge people for who they are in your life (and know there’s a big difference between an acknowledgement & a compliment), and look for ways to be of service. Need help? Ask for it. Griping? Name it. Own it. Nurture those relationships.
- Vision and stay on your path. It’s your path, no one else’s. You have to live with it – done right and congruently – you GET to live with it. But you’ve got to create it, and stick with it, and be true to it. Check where you are now, where you want to be, and then decide how you’ll get there. Two things: don’t count on the journey looking exactly as you plan, you’ll be disappointed, frustrated and likely will miss some amazing opportunities – so be open to things looking different, and 2) if a VISION seems to big – break it down into smaller arcs of times and topics. Maybe it’s a vision for your health, maybe it’s a vision for next month’s great team meeting, make it work for you.
- “Put your boots on”, whatever those boots may be for you – and lead. “Boots” are a mindset (ie. ownership, courage, truth, and congruency.) Leadership is a mindset (ie. pro-activity, helping things go right, love, service), and it all takes action. It comes from different angles (ie. the best forms of leadership are often supporting leadership around you), and it shows up in odd places. So take that vision, or that thing you care about, take that thing you want to create, take that thing that pisses you off (not happy about the economy or your organization’s culture, etc? What are you doing about it?), and lead. And do it in a way that is congruent for you – not how you “think” it should be done, or how “Joe” told you to do it (or even like Joe), but rather in a way that is true to who you are.
With all these moving peices, why would you EVER want to put anything like this work in a box? Really? So get those boots on, decide and take action…use these 4 areas of focus and watch things unfold. Happy unfolding!