IEP Method® Immersion 2-Day Training

Support your workforce to sustainably up-level their leadership presence, resiliency, and performance.

Get Equipped to Lead a Positive Organizational Culture

through IEP Method® Immersion

Learn the IEP Method® (Intentional Energetic Presence®) through this immersion training specifically designed for senior leaders, people leaders, and executives who are tasked with improving cultural health, operational efficiency and productivity, and innovation while driving growth and improving the employee experience

Leaders at all levels will walk away with immediately-actionable steps to improve their leadership effectiveness and rapidly improve team alignment, cohesion, and communication.

In this training, you’ll dive into these questions (and more!):

  • What is the true cultural health of your company?
  • How is your cultural health impacting your innovation and results?
  • How are you personally contributing to creating the culture you have now?
  • How do you create psychological safety AND accountability; balance well-being AND high-performance business results, and create space for grace AND innovation in a world that is demanding we go faster and faster and lead harder and harder (often counter-productively)?
  • What’s your plan? (One that will actually get you the results you want and keep YOU healthy in the process?)


  • The IEP Method Immersion Training occurs over 16 hours (2 Days), and it is ideal for up to 22 participants.
  • The session may be conducted in-person or virtually, and is a good match for global leaders and teams to experience the training together for optimal impact.
  • Training participants will experience group discussions and additional experiential exercises for a robust and engaging session.

Ready to Book a Session?

Contact us for pricing and information on available options to support your company.


Senior Leaders &
People Managers


Live, Via Zoom or In Person 


2-Day Training +
Pre- and Post-Sessions


Instructor Led by
ACI Faculty


3 Months of PEW-i Community All-Access Membership

Training Components & Core Focus Areas

IEP Method Immersion Training is designed to create the maximum impact for you and your organization in an accelerated time frame. Learn more about the exclusive IEP Method components and key focus areas for the full training experience

Day 1 — Your Personal Intentional Energetic Presence (IEP): Optimizing YOU.

On the first day of the training, we’ll focus on your current level of self-care, impact, and resilience as a leader. You’ll learn how your current level of leadership presence is making an impact (or not!), and create space for you to dive deep into your own strengths and areas for growth as a leader.

Day one highlights include (prioritized as fits the needs of the group):

  • Learn the IEP Method
  • Complete an IEP Individual and Cultural Assessment to identify the gaps in your own IEP and how they’re impacting your leadership, your culture, your business results, and your life. (Done before the session.)
  • Contagious Costs: Determine your contagiousness factor with the new “Contagion Factor Formula™” and also the cost of negative energy in your life and organization/team with the new IEP/ROI/Culture Cost Indicator.
  • Identify the gaps in your leadership, relationships, and internal satisfaction that are being impacted by your IEP (and how you’re contributing positively or negatively to them).
  • Learn and embody the basic Tenets of IEP and dive into the 4 core quadrants of the model so that you can “get in front of it” and integrate in real-time.
  • Learn how to adjust your energy and presence instantaneously, so that you can tap into deeper wisdom and intuition, address what’s happening in the moment, create impact independent of your external environment, and intentionally influence others – no matter the circumstances.
  • Work with your body and presence from the inside out so that you can create more intentional impact and feel good doing so.
  • Build your “Energetic Equity”: Learn tools, practices and strategies for building a strong IEP “bank” that will allow you to navigate “busy”, “overwhelm”, and “discombobulation” more effectively setting a proactive vs. reactive tone.
  • Unlock access to greater creativity, purpose, intuition, empathy, and intention. (The person with the strongest intention, purpose, and vibe “wins” – BE that person.)
  • Learn how to hold your space, not match the “lowest vibration in the room,” and even shift your state and presence so they step up to “match” YOU.
  • Identify and make decisions (or non-decisions) that are currently hindering your leadership (you likely don’t even know what these are yet) that will shift the way you relate, create impact, and experience internal peace in your decision-making, work, and relationships.

Fieldwork Guide — Distributed during the training

The IEP Method Immersion Fieldwork Guide includes a summary of the IEP Method tools you’ll learn during the training, plus resources to use and reference during and after the training session.

Day 2 — Your Organization’s IEP: Optimizing Your Team and Culture.

On day 2 of training, we’ll focus on your organization’s current health and potential growth areas. We’ll talk about the hard stuff, too — including issues that may or may not be talked about yet in your company and the impact it could be creating. You’ll also learn what it takes to create an authentically Positive Energy Workplace, and how to create psychological safety for your workforce and navigate difficult conversations (such as direct engagement and feedback).

Highlights for day two often include (depending on the needs of the group):

  • Capture any remaining core learnings for you and your organization from day one that will support the foundation you will need for the true leadership and cultural development work that will be happening on day two.
  • Review the IEP Model through the lens of your team or organization and how you’re set up for activating the energy of your workforce in the right direction (or not). Create three solid next steps to implement on Monday.
  • Explore the updated “Culture Change List” which is the list of TO-DOs to support a healthy team and culture. These to-do’s are only as good as the IEP under them, so that’s why we set the foundation here on day one.
  • Learn 3-4 new leadership and collaboration skills based on what will serve you and your group most to support your needs. (These are determined at the end of day one and designed for in day two. Examples of these skills are: conflict navigation and resolution, productive feedback, relationship and agreement design, accountability and drama management, team meeting optimization, effective performance reviews, design session debriefing, shifting the energy in a room, optimizing hiring practices, creative collaboration, toxicity purging, energetic hygiene optimization, and others.)
  • Create structures to make this all real when you go back (these may include how to introduce this work and principles to your team, how to set up guardrails and structures to support cultural IEP, follow-up practices to keep the content alive, and more).

Pre-Training Executive Session

Virtual | Bonus — Optional to Attend

Prior to our in-person experience, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in an intention-setting group pre-work session (1 hour) to help set a solid foundation for your training so we can dive deep during our in-person time together. This session is conducted via Zoom and recorded for those who are unable to attend live.

Post-Training Executive Session

Virtual | Bonus — Optional to Attend

After our in-person training, you’ll have the opportunity to join us for an integration post-training group session (1 hour) to support your impact, accountability, and action after the training. This session is conducted via Zoom and recorded for those who are unable to attend live.


Access to the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative (PEW-i) Community Platform

You will receive 3-month complimentary access to the All-Access Membership in the PEW-i Community, a private platform by Active Choices, Inc. for organizations devoted to creating positive workplaces. In this space, you can easily access IEP Method resources, view your pre- and post-session details, and receive training reminders. Plus, you will also receive access in the platform to complete your IEP Method Credential as a Certified Positive Energy Leader and connect with your fellow training cohort members and other individuals in the community!

Training Outcomes:

  • Learn and integrate the IEP Method into your everyday life to build a strong energetic presence that will support you in your leadership role.
  • Learn how to shift the energy in a room, inspire (and model) accountability, and navigate complex dynamics on your team in a way that creates — instead of breaks — psychological safety.
  • Identify, address, and create your ROI plan for your team/organization’s positive impact based on the 7 factors of cultural and organizational health to become a Positive Energy Workplace.
  • Build your resilience and adaptability to create space for more innovation and nimbleness as an individual and as a company.
  • Create healthy agreements with yourself and others, give and receive productive feedback, and learn frameworks to design productive relationships proactively and to navigate conflict with grace and confidence.
  • Learn how to be in a “productive relationship” with yourself and create accountability and ownership for yourself and others.
  • Optimize your leadership presence and influence both in one-on-one, group, and front-of-the-room engagements.
  • Become a better collaborator and communicator with those you lead and love, learn how to choose language that serves you, and how to be the author of your own story as a leader.

Support Your Organization’s Journey to Become

a Positive Energy Workplace

Create the organizational culture that you, your company, and your workforce deserves. (Without burning yourself out.) You can help create a culture of innovation, leadership, collaboration, and results and support your organization’s journey to become a more productive, healthy and Certified Positive Energy Workplace. 

Once training is complete, participants will also be one step closer to earning a digital certification as an IEP Method® Positive Energy Leader!

Learn more about IEP Method® Certifications.

The Positive Energy Workplace Initiative (PEW-i) Community Platform

The IEP Method Immersion Training includes 3-month of All-Access Membership in the PEW-i Community, a private membership platform by Active Choices, Inc. for organizations devoted to creating positive energy workplaces. In this space, you can easily access IEP Method resources, view your pre- and post-session details, and receive training reminders.

If you are interested in booking this training and would like to explore PEW-i membership options, contact us to learn more about packages.

PEW-i Community Memberships provide you and your organization with access to the IEP Method tools, resources, ACI Team support, and a network of peer organizations.

The IEP Method® Immersion Training Team


CEO + Strategic Advisor + Futurist

Founder of The IEP Method® and The Positive Energy Workplace Initiative®

Anese Cavanaugh is the CEO of Active Choices, Inc., creator of the IEP Method (Intentional Energetic Presence®) and the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative and a strategist and advisor to leaders and organizations around the world. She is devoted to helping organizations support their people so they are able to show up and bring their best selves to the table, create significant impact in their lives, and create (authentic) positive energy workplaces and cultures. Anese is a keynote speaker and author of CONTAGIOUS CULTURE: Show Up, Set the Tone, and Intentionally Create an Organization That Thrives (McGraw-Hill, 2015), CONTAGIOUS YOU: Unlock Your Power to Influence, Lead, and Create the Impact You Want (McGraw-Hill, 2019), and THE LEADER YOU WILL BE: An Invitation (a leadership storybook).

As a leading voice on intention, energy, and presence in leadership and culture, she helps people unlock greater leadership potential, collaborate more inspiringly, create more openly, intuit more bravely, and lead more joyfully and effectively. She holds a degree in Kinesiology as well as multiple credentials in coaching, training, facilitation, and relationship systems that support her in bringing a breadth of knowledge to clients in order to meet them where they’re at and best pair the team with the optimally fit engagements.

Top innovators and executives in companies including Ford Motor Company, IDEO, Zingerman’s, Cooper, GM Financial, Vistaprint, 15Five, Fitbit, Vivayic, Kaiser Permanente, BNY Mellon, and others have engaged with Active Choices to strengthen team health, maximize leadership impact, and optimize company culture. In addition to appearing in publications like Harvard Business Review, The Huffington Post,, Forbes, the NY Times, and others, Anese writes a column, “Showing Up” on, blogs regularly for subscribers of, and speaks on stages (in person and virtually) around the world. 

JennyWiley-Headshot- circle


ACI Director of Programming & Community Growth

Jenny Wiley is a Certified Professional Coach and Facilitator, specializing in group coaching, culture & teams development. She is the former director of community at iPEC Coaching, and has served as a trailblazing community lead and consultant for organizations. Her unique expertise also includes a focus on Integrated Marketing Communications, and she is driven by a passion for inclusive, clear, direct, and kind communications.

In addition to facilitating and managing programming experiences for ACI clients, Jenny leads communications, design, and programming for the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative Platform — a private community by Active Choices, Inc. for organizations devoted to creating positive workplaces). In the ACI classroom, you will find her leading and training on the various IEP Methodology tools and holding the logistics clipboard.

Hear More about the IEP Method Training Experience

Two things today that are really going to stick with me beyond the anchoring of presence in my body, is that presence is impact. Everything that we bring to the world is impact through our conscious presence.

Emily Diaz


Optimize Your Company Culture

The ACI Team can provide the IEP Method Immersion Training (in addition to other training tracks!) virtually or in-person to support your organizational needs. Reach out for more information and to discuss opportunities for your company.