Hello! I’m so happy that you’re joining us for the Team & Culture Cohort (TCC)! If you are coming over from a Leadership Resiliency Cohort (LRC) this program will be a nice build upon the foundation you’ve laid enabling you to serve your team and organization even more effectively. If you are coming in before the LRC, this cohort will point you to essential things to work on in your personal leadership as well. Either way, looking forward to being with you.

Please complete the “entry point questions” (EPQ) below. To help us get started and to set the program up optimally, please complete this form at least 72 hours before our first group session. Either way, these will help you and I get clear about what you’re working on, what you need, your challenges, and your personal goals for the cohort.

In addition, if you haven’t already, complete the Team & Cultural Health Assessment as well as the Leadership Impact Assessment. The combination of the information on these three forms will give us both important insights. They’ll also help me to customize content to fit the cohort you will be in. (Your responses are confidential.)

Looking forward,

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