I was having dinner with a client last week when we got to talking about change, and more specifically, what gets in the way of people creating what they want in their lives. What makes people STOP when they get close to what they want, and in some cases, way before then? Words like “comfort zones”, “fear”, and “ecology” were flowing…Now of course, in the spirit of total transparency, in addition to some of the issues he was seeing with his own team and organization, he was also challenging me to do something that kind of…scares. the. pants. off. of. me…My client was holding MY feet to the fire. (Fancy that…I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t…delicious.)
Where the conversation started, and where it ended, is not as necessarily as important as what happened in the middle…
We outed the mysterious “they.”
Who is this mysterious “they”? Now before I go further, I don’t know if any of you have this guy in your family, but when I was growing up, we had a 7th member of our family named “nobody.” “Nobody” was the one who left the milk out, the bathroom a mess, the chores undone, my sisters’ hair pulled…”nobody” was a strong force in our home. (Oddly, now as a parent, “nobody” has somehow found his way into our home as well.) “Nobody’s” job was to keep us safe, to be our scape goat, to prevent accountability. In retrospect, I actually see that in many ways, “nobody” kept us from growing. He got a lot of our many great life lessons.
Anyhow…I’m fairly certain that “nobody” is a very close cousin to “they”. And “they” is now getting all the “good stuff.”
Here’s how I notice it plays out…