Daring To Engage Gratitude – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Want to feel great AND create some positive impact? Try Gratitude.

I love gratitude and consider it a gift in my life. This month we have an extra special excuse to focus on what were grateful for. We get to hopefully be with family and friends who love us, we get to sit around the table and talk about what we’re thankful for. We get to give knowing glances of gratitude to each other. It’s a really cool holiday and one that can sweep you away with joy and gratitude if you let it.

It can also be a time of sadness and challenge for some people. The holidays can bring on all sorts of emotions. Regardless of how the holiday season impacts you, there is always something you can count on to help lift spirits and joy. It’s free. There’s no right way to do it. You can be incredibly generous with it. There is a limitless supply. It creates a powerful impact. It soothes the spirit. It’s Gratitude.