Need a vacation? Some space, some time to clear your head and get strategic? Go.
So there are 10 things you could start doing today that will help you move through this recession and the challenges of your business and life in a more peaceful, productive and engaging way. You’ll notice there is action in here to ground it and make it real – but really – all of these stem from mindset and finding opportunity for moving forward.
To make this concrete now:
1. Pick one, two or three. What are you committing to doing? For yourself, your business, your team?
2. Identify what needs to happen next and by when. (“Next 3 steps” is always good!)
3. What support will you need? (Accountability? A buddy? A coach?) Who will you need to engage? How do you want to be held accountable?
4. What impact do you INTEND making this commitment will have? (THIS IS SO IMPORTANT.)
5. How will you know you’re getting your intended impact?
So go for it. Jot it down now. Take 10 minutes. You’ll be so glad you did.
Ready? Set? Go!
This is a tip from the complete article “Dare to Stay Engaged with a Positive Mindset“