Bringing the “good stuff” is free

Mandy and I just got into Vegas for this year’s GROWCO Conference. It’s been a fun day, just the trip out has been an enjoyable little adventure in itself. One thing has been going through my mind all morning, and especially as we settle in and prep for meetings and such this week:

“Bringing the “good stuff” – ie. positive energy, kindness, gratitude, and smiles…is free.”

It doesn’t cost a thing. It adds value to the people around us. And it makes us feel good. Regardless of where we’re at, it shifts energy.

From a quick interaction with a stranger at the coffee shop this a.m. sharing the merits of plain oatmeal, to the taxi driver who shared his story of driving his pregnant wife from Reno to SF for good Chinese food, to the happy guy that checked us in at the hotel…bringing the good stuff is free. And the rewards have ripple effects.

“Please. Thank you. I appreciate you. How are you? You are amazing. You are _____.” That’s the good stuff.

How are you bringing your “good stuff” today? Who can you appreciate? What can you be extra grateful for? Who can you connect with and bring just a bit of that unique “good stuff” only you can bring? Go for it.

Have a great week! I’ll be checking in via twitter this week, you can find me @anesecavanaugh