The Power of the Female Spirit…

“Got milk?” was a phrase that kept running through my head yesterday as I sat in the Breast Health Center going from round to round of exams and checks. It’s always funny to me the silly things I’ll think of, the silly phrases, the silly scenarios in some of the most stressful situations. (Of course, I was the child who’d laugh when her friends got into big trouble – out of sheer nervousness – so I guess I’m not that suprised.) I was surrounded by other women who were doing the same thing. Several were there for regular check ups, and a couple were there praying that their scares were just that, scares. A couple others, I’m not completely sure…It was a humbling experience and 3 hours sitting in that environment has quite the ability to increase your love and appreciation for women and the human spirit.  It also has quite the ability to get you to start thinking about either sponsoring your girlfriend in one of these 3 day breast cancer walks (or doing it yourself!) (I’ll be waiting for the phone to ring as soon as this goes live…wait for it…wait for it…)

I’m going to go out on a limb and write a different kind of post today. I actually shouldn’t be posting – I’m prepping for a live call tomorrow on energy and leadership (big turnout so far, feel free to join us ), but I’m still thinking about these women and this experience. It’s just kind of stuck with me. There’s no profound leadership advice here except maybe to: make sure you get your preventative health care in, take good care of yourself, and dare to engage the things that terrify you (ie. a sinister looking medical tests) – in service of sticking around, feeling well, and having the most energy and stamina to lead for the things you care about (which technically is Bootist Leadership Tenet 3.) I’d also add in, the invitation to revisit what you’re grateful for in your life, and to give a special nod to the women in your life who you love, to the women you don’t even know – but appreciate, and to the women whose names you’ll never know but who’ve sat with you through something like this. Yes, leadership learning can be gleened from any situation, but for this post, let’s just talk about the power of the human spirit. And specifically, since it’s so fresh in my heart, women.