The fine art of reciprocity: for self, team & organizations

The fine art of giving and receiving has been on my mind a lot lately…I’ve been holding it as “graceful reciprocity.”

Giving without expectation or attachment. Receiving with grace and intention.

There is a fine line between the two.

Contribution is a big deal in leadership and creating. The ability to receive gracefully is a big deal as well. People often miss the link between the two.

In order to contribute at our highest ability, we also have to be able to receive well. To give without expectation or attachment – being generous and open; and to receive with grace and presence – being vulnerable and open to another…that is the fine art of reciprocity.

On the flip side of this and taking the “fine line” a bit deeper: when we contribute with expectation, because we want something, or when we receive with resistance, fear or skepticism – it ruins the magic of what’s possible.

I believe it is an art to dance between the two; an art that takes intention, clarity, vulnerability, and truth. And when it’s there, when we get it even close to “right”, magic happens. The energy of graceful reciprocity flows.