I’m experimenting with posting more frequently on this blog. I want to see how it feels to me to write in shorter, unedited clips, and I want to see what kind of response we get. It’s an interesting thing to write stuff up, hit send, and have the work go out to cyberspace. Every once in a while I’ll have someone send me a note saying they use this information for “self-coaching” or that they share the posts with their teams for discussion – that is great! If you are reading these posts, and care to comment or let me know how you use them – I’d love to hear from you. Otherwise, into cyberspace we go!
Quick note: If you want to get a copy of the Bootism(tm) paper, act quickly. You can access it by signing in on the right hand side of this blog (see where it says “name and email address”?) The paper will be available for a limited time as we’re getting ready to replace it soon, so if you want it – go get it!
Thought for the day: I’ve been working with clients all day and have had a couple of interesting themes come up in our calls. One I thought I’d share is one that is so simple, we complexity loving human beings forget to use it more often. Here it is…