Do What You Love, Take Care of Yourself, Embrace No and Keep Moving

We talk a lot about avoiding burnout these days: “the economy”, “work/life balance”, and all sorts of topics provide us with lots to discuss and lots to “work harder” on. In my experience, the quickest way I know to prevent burnout is not to “avoid it” (after all, we create what we think about, and even more so what we avoid), but rather to make sure we’re doing stuff that has meaning and purpose for us – EVERY SINGLE DAY. Especially when in the midst of stressful or challenging times. Finding joy, dreaming and focusing on the impact we want to create with our lives, can help us focus on the right things, put our attention in productive areas, and lead us through the unknown paths.

If you’re not in the dream role, dream business or dream situation right now, it’s worth taking the time to explore what that dream role might be, and then getting into action. If you’re not feeling “the love” in your life or connected or engaged, it’s worth reaching out to create it. If you’re dissatisfied, it’s worth, finding the “request” under that dissatisfaction and getting into action. I believe that one of the greatest GIFTS we have in our lives, bar none, is to be able to identify where we’re at, where we want to be and then to do something with it. Those “gaps” in satisfaction are beacons that can show us what needs to be designed in our lives (and organizations) to make it even better.

How does this apply to you personally? I’m not sure, obviously only you can know what’s true for you. And I do know that I personally am in the question everyday of “What reality am I creating for myself?” “How am I helping things go right? Or not?” My beliefs and mindset  influence the actions I take which influence the results I get – at work, at home, and in life in general. Seeing this makes it easier, because I can create a “presence point” to check my mindset and see where it’s at and where it may need to shift in order to create my intended impact.